Central and Nairobi Zone
Zonal Working Group Members:
- Action Africa Help International (AAH-I)
- Aidlink
- Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)
- CARITAS Nairobi
- Community Action for Rural enhancement (CARE) Murang’a
- Community Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Program (COSDEP)
- Effective IPM Association (EIPMA)
- Grow Bio-Intensive Agriculture Centre of Kenya (GBIACK)
- Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiH EA)
- Institute of Culture and Ecology (ICE)
- Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN)
- Koppert Kenya
- Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT)
- Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya (OACK)
- Resources Oriented Development Initiatives (RODI) Kenya
- Self Help Africa (SHA)
- Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Programme (SACDEP)
- Youth Acton for Rural Development (YARD)
Rift-Western Kenya Zone
Zonal Working Group Members:
- Agency for Cross Border Pastoralists Development (APaD)
- Agricultural Community Empowerment Program (ACEP)
- Agriculture Improvement Support Services (AGRISS)
- Anglican Development Services (ADS) Western
- Baraka Agricultural Centre (BAC)
- Bio- Gardening Innovations (BIOGI)
- Community Mobilization Against Desertification (C-MAD)
- Community Rehabilitation and Environment Protection Program (CREPP)
- Development in Gardening( DIG)
- Maendeleo Endelevu Action Program (MEAP)
- Manor House Agricultural Centre (MHAC)
- Network for Eco farming in Africa (NECOFA)
- Ripple Effect
- Rural Energy and Food Security Organization (REFSO)
- Slow food Convivia Association of Kenya (SFCAK)
- Support for Tropical Initiatives (STIPA)
- Sustainable Mobilization of Agricultural Resource Technologies (SMART) Initiatives
- Tenwek Hospital Community Health & Development
- Trans-Community Organization (TRANSCOM)
- VI Agroforestry
Lower Eastern and Coast
Zonal Working Group members:
- Anglican Development Services Eastern (ADSE)
- Benevolent Institute of Development Initiatives (BIDII)
- Christian Impact Mission (CIM)
- Community Sustainable Agriculture and Healthy Environmental Program (CSHEP)
- Dryland Natural Resource Centre (DNRC)
- Inades Formation Kenya (IFK)
- Katoloni Mission CBO
- Kitui Development Centre (KDC)
- Neighbours Initiative Alliance (NIA)
- Taita Taveta Wildlife Foundation (TTWF)
- Utooni Development Organization (UDO)
Upper Eastern and Northern Kenya Zone
Zonal Working Group Members:
- Anglican Development Services Mt. Kenya East (ADS MKE)
- Caritas Meru
- CARITAS- Nyahururu
- Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD)
- European Community for Agriculture- Kithita Kirwa Water Project (CEFA- KKWP)
- Food for the Hungry Kenya (FH Kenya)
- Institute for Peace Development and Innovation (IPSIA)
- Laikipia Permaculture Centre(LPC)
- Pastoralists Community Initiatives and Development Assistance (PACIDA)
- Strategies for Agro Pastoralist Development (SAPAD)
- Rural Initiatives Development Program (RIDEP)
- TAI Community Based Organization
- Tharaka Children & Women Welfare Programme