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Benefits of Being a PELUM Kenya Member

  1. Capacity Development for members on governance, finance management, operating systems, structures, technical aspects (M& E, extension, resource mobilization), etc.
  2. Increased linkages of members and their staff to others members and partners via learning, exposure and exchange visits.
  3. Spreading and scaling up of best practices and ripple effect through sharing and networking.
  4. Joint activities e.g. campaign, advocacy and lobbying and hence can influence policy – there is strength in numbers.
  5. The members can “benchmark” with other members and partners of the association and hence improve their profile and capacity
  6. Members get direct links to the world via PELUM websites thus increasing their visibility and the profile of the members.
  7. Broadening the members’ skills-base, donor- base, partner base and hence resource base
  8. Increases the implementation capacity of the members and thus promoting local networking
  9. Providing a reference to PELUM-Kenya members
  10. Providing a forum for information sharing e.g. publications, reports, research reports, updates etc.

Types of Membership

Comprises of National and regional NGOs, CBOs and Networks which support and / engage in training and working and advocating in the field of Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM).

Full members are allowed to vote in PELUM Association’s key decision-making processes and may also vie for competitive positions within PELUM Association.

This category pays an annual subscription of Ksh. 15,000

This comprises of individuals who share the aspirations of PELUM Association and want to and engage, promote, train or advocate for Participatory Ecological Land Use Management. A corporate member, like other members, participates in all PELUM Association activities. The members in this category are allowed to contribute in discussions and decision making processes in PELUM Association. However, they are not allowed to vote in key decision making processes or to aspire for competitive positions within PELUM Association.

This category of members also pays an annual subscription of Ksh. 15,000

This comprises of development partners who share the aspirations of PELUM Association and may want to support its efforts and activities. A Sponsor member, like other members, participates in all PELUM Association activities. The members in this category are allowed to contribute in discussions and decision making processes in PELUM Association. However, they are not allowed to vote in key decision making processes or to aspire for competitive positions within PELUM Association.

This category of members also pays an annual subscription of Kshs 39,000

This comprises of those International NGOs, Networks and any other entity that do not qualify as a full, individual and sponsor member category, yet meet the criteria for membership. A corporate member, like other members, participates in all PELUM Association activities.  The members in this category are allowed to contribute in discussions about PELUM Association affairs. However, they are not allowed to vote in key decision making processes or to aspire for competitive positions within PELUM Association.

This category of members also pays an annual subscription of Ksh.15,000 

This comprises of any new member whose application has been approved by the PELUM-Kenya national Board and awaits ratification by the PELUM-Kenya’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). A Temporary member, like other members, participates in all PELUM Association activities.  The members in this category are also allowed to contribute in discussions about PELUM Association affairs. However, they are not allowed to vote in key decision making processes or to aspire for competitive positions within PELUM Association. This category of members also pays an annual subscription of the amount equivalent to category they have been approved by the PELUM-Kenya National Board as Temporary members.

The members also continue to pay the amount for their categories after their membership is ratified by the AGM.

How to join

  1. Get adequate information about PELUM Association.
  2. Request in writing for a Membership Application Form from the Country Coordinator through The Application form will be sent to the applicant by Email.
  3. Fill the Membership Application forms and send the same to the Country Secretariat. The applicant should also enclose organizational profiles, brochures, or any other relevant documents as requested by the Country Secretariat or any other relevant document that may support their bid for membership with PELUM-Kenya. NB: There must be cover letter with organizational letter head with a ref: Membership application to PELUM Association.
  4. The Application is reviewed and processed. A staff member and/ or board members of PELUM – Kenya pays a visit to the applying organization for further assessment.
  5. The Application is presented to PELUM-Kenya National Board.  The National Board may approve / disapprove / defer any application. The reason for any action is given in writing by the Country Secretariat’s Coordinator to the applicant.
  6. If the application is approved by the PELUM-Kenya National Board, the applicant is informed and is admitted as a Temporary member of PELUM-Kenya.
  7. The case of each Temporary Member is discussed at the PELUM-Kenya next Annual General Meeting (AGM). A representative from the applying member is expected to be present in this meeting to answer any question the AGM delegates may have. If approved, is given the status of the member they had applied for.
  8. The new Member is asked to immediately pay a Non-refundable joining fee of Ksh.20,000 (US $ 256) plus the Annual Subscription equivalent to the amount paid by the members in the category they have been approved by the PELUM-Kenya National Board. From there-on, the new Member will be expected in all PELUM Association activities.
  9. This member is then added in the PELUM-Kenya Membership Register and is also sent to the PELUM Association Regional Desk to be included in the Regional Members’ Register.
Ms. Rosinah Mbenya
Ms. Rosinah MbenyaCountry Coordinator PELUM Kenya
P.O. Box 6123 – 01000,
Off Thika Superhighway exit 14, along Kenyatta Road, KU Boma Estate, House Number 114
Ms. Janet Mumo
Ms. Janet MumoProgram Director
Kitui Development Centre, (KDC)
P.O Box 901 – 90200, KITUI


Member Organizations 2022
PELUM Members Organizational Profile
PELUM Membership Application Form