PELUM- Kenya realized that for ecological land use management and practices to be mainstreamed in the agricultural programme, the draft National Environment Policy, 2012 which has not been enacted needs to be implemented. The policy recommends that natural resource management issues to be mainstreamed in all agricultural policies.
The public is being consulted before it is presented to the parliamentary committee for debate in parliament. This will ensure that the Agriculture Sector Coordinating Unit (ASCU) will incorporate them in its various policies. ASCU is the main coordinating agency for agricultural reform in Kenya.
The Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) is the secretariat of ten ministries addressing agriculture and rural development. As part of the overall commitment in Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), ASCU was to decentralize to the local (county) units which the PELUM member organizations working in those counties will contribute to the formulation of the respective county assemblies.
What are your views, inputs and suggestions regarding the National Environment Policy, 2012?