- Promotes participatory ecological land use and management practices in the East, Central and Southern region.
- Builds the capacity of members and partners to respond appropriately to community needs as they work to empower the communities they work with.
- Increases the visibility of the small-scale farmers.
- Promotes sharing of information of development experiences, innovations, and best practices.
- Strengthens linkages and collaboration through action learning among partners and members.
- Lobbies (directly) for change and formulation of policies in favor of small scale farmers.
- Produces development magazines (Ground-Up) and PELUM Bullet-ins
- Promotes Seed Security and hence food security among small-scale farmers.
- Promotes the use of indigenous food Programme
- Promotes the mainstreaming of the Gender and HIV / AIDS in Agriculture Development Programme.
- Offers Consultancy in Research and Development
What Does PELUM Association Do?admin2013-11-28T13:57:49+03:00